Reproduce Fix Verification
Filepath of Executing File
The default file path for python is the path of ‘__main__‘, regardless of where the called module is located. To know where the module is, […]
Troubleshoot for peewee
ImproperlyConfigured: MySQL driver not installed You may refer to MySQL API Dependency Installation to install the MySQL Drivers. This issue is stated at ImproperlyConfigured: MySQL […]
MySQL API Dependency Installation for peewee
When using peewee with MySQL, 2 types of API can be used, one is pymysql, another is mysqlclient. They can be used as alternatives, but […]
Dynamically Defining a Database in peewee
In most of the cases, predefining the database if fine, as in the official Quickstart tutorial, following are the 2 major ways, database proxy and […]
Peewee Mod Operator Overload
Mod(modulo) operation is not officially defined for peewee database query. To use the “MOD“ operator, we have to override the operator by ourselves.1 After this, […]
GPU Benchmark
Instal Nsight libtinfo5 is a prerequisite for Nsight1 You have to login to download the Nsight package, for example, for Ubuntu, I downloaded the NsightSystems-linux-public-2021.2.1.58-642947b.deb […]
CPU Benchmark
Install Perf On newer kernels If you are using container, making sure that you have kernel relative new, for example, 5.4. It is tested that […]
Install Docker-CE with CUDA support
Installation Add a non-root user to docker group Now your can login to the server again, and the user is granted with docker usage privilege. […]
Install Nvidia CUDA Toolkit on CentOS 7
Disable Nouveau Create a file named /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf and add the following line to it: Then run the following commands After reboot, you can try to […]