A normal style function in JavaScript would look like this: But as this wonderful language servers everything as object, the following one is also acceptable […]
Ruby Basics – Comments and Loop
I learned Ruby in 2018, it is a really powerful and reflexible language. This is a tutorial Series on Ruby on Rails. Today, it will […]
Sublime Text shortcut for AngularJS
Following is an example starting with the root directory on my Mac. And this is a note I take for the Ruby on Rails specialization […]
Single Page Web Applications with AngularJS
Coding Assignments Module 1: AngularJS Intro (visualization here) Module 2: Shopping List Check Off with Custom Services(visualization here) Module 3: AnguarJS Directives(visualization here) Module 4: […]
HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers
This is the 4th course of Ruby on Rails Web Development Specialization offered by Johns Hopkins Unviersity at Coursera. Coding Assignments Module 2: Bootstrap Grids […]