After installing your Linux system in VMWare Fusion or Station, you may find the windows is not at the right resolution, yet no right option […]
Resolve Fail to Install Lessc Compiler Using NPM
After running the command to install the lessc comiler, The following error is shown The error instructs you to look up the log file, and […]
Bootstrap Tooltip
As you can see from the following 2 photos, what tooltip does is that when a user moves the mouse to the specified component, a […]
Bootstrap “show” Class Demonstration
In Bootstrap, there is an enormous number of classes that shape the outcome of the applied webpage. It can be annoying to memorize all the […]
Install Sublime Text on Kali Linux
Demonstration environment: Kali Linux 64-bit in VMWare Fusion on Mac OS 10.14.5 Note: The Latest Kali Linux uses Debian 8.x as its core Installation Install […]
How to server all the mp4 files in a folder
Folder Structure Dependencies The following Python packages are used: flask os References
Shortest-Path Algorithms – Dijkstra’s Algorithm Explained in a Page
Problem 1 Problem 2 – Shortest Path Variant 1 Write a program to not only find the weighted shortest distances but also count the number […]
Add a Navbar to a Webpage
How to create a navbar in a responsive webpage? Following is an example from the full-stack course I took on Coursera. It depends mostly on […]
Ideation for a Reading APP
I am taking a full stack development course offered by HKUST at Coursera and this is one of my course bonus problems – an Ideation […]