A few weeks ago, I made a tutorial (this one), but that’s not simple enough, and that’s the reason for this post. Install Dependencies Install […]
The C Preprocessor
When I was learning the C Programming Language, every time encountering the Preprocessor, though I knew that the Preprocessor can be really powerful, I told […]
My Tiny Search Engine – Advanced Data Structure Course
Have you ever thought about deploying a fancy project like a search engine to a server made accessible to everyone just like Larry Page and […]
2to3: Convert Python2 Source Code to Python3 Automatically
It is really easy: where example.py is the file you intend to convert and -w means overwrite the original file.(But a example.py.bak is generated for […]
Control Arduino with Python 3 on Raspberry Pi using Pyfirmata
Install Arduino IDE on Raspberry Pi In terminal, run the following commands to install the Arduino IDE on you Raspberry Pi. Upload Pyfirmata to Arduino […]
CIDR: What does mean?
When I was configuring my Lede router, I happened to see as an internal address for MiniUPnP ACL(Mini Universal Plug and Play Access Control List). […]
Install opencv-python inside Python Virtual Environment
As I mentioned in this article, matplotlib is not supported with miniconda. To resolve the issue, I read through Python 3.7 documentation and realized using […]
Sublime Text shortcut for AngularJS
Following is an example starting with the root directory on my Mac. And this is a note I take for the Ruby on Rails specialization […]
Install Ruby On Rails on Mac OS X 10.14 Mojave
Install Ruby Following is a link to the tutorial, and you can also find other tutorials for that suits your specific OS. https://gorails.com/setup/osx/10.14-mojave Installing the […]
Install OpenCV 4 on macOS Mojave with Python 3.7 – matplotlib not supported
Firstly, make sure you have python 3.7 installed on your system. Install Miniconda Go to this Miniconda download page and download Miniconda installation bash file(.sh) […]