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Following is an example starting with the root directory on my Mac. And this is a note I take for the Ruby on Rails specialization on Coursera (The Capstone).

Firstly, make a directory for your project.

$ mkdir proj
$ cd proj 

Clone the git AngularJS Style Guide repository to your local machine. And with the ls command, you should see the snippets of the styles.

$ git clone
$ ls angular-styleguide/a1/assets/sublime-angular-snippets
angular.component.sublime-snippet	angular.filter.sublime-snippet
angular.controller.sublime-snippet	angular.module.sublime-snippet
angular.directive.sublime-snippet	angular.service.sublime-snippet

Then, you should move the AngularJS snippets to the Sublime Text 3 Snippets directory. After that, you can open the sublime text to try it out.
(fenghexu in the following command is my username, which should be replaced by your own)

$ mv angular-styleguide/a1/assets/sublime-angular-snippets "/Users/fenghexu/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/Sublime Text 3 Snippets"
$ sublime

In the sublime text, type in ng, then Control + Space, you will see the following. And you will find that these snippets will save us a lot of keystrokes later.

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