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# Title: Summing Numbers

# Write a procedure called sumnums(). Your procedure must accept as input a
# single string. Your procedure must output an integer equal to the sum of
# all integer numbers (one or more digits in sequence) within that string.
# If there are no decimal numbers in the input string, your procedure must
# return the integer 0. The input string will not contain any negative integers.
# Example Input: "hello 2 all of you 44"
# Example Output: 46
# Hint: int("44") == 44

import re

def sumnums(sentence): 
# write your code here
    return sum([int(t) for t in re.findall(r'[0-9]+', sentence)])


# This problem includes an example test case to help you tell if you are on
# the right track. You may want to make your own additional tests as well.

test_case_input = """The Act of Independence of Lithuania was signed 
on February 16, 1918, by 20 council members."""

test_case_output = 1954

if sumnums(test_case_input) == test_case_output:
  print "Test case passed."
  print "Test case failed:" 
  print sumnums(test_case_input) 

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