Three ways to set ioflags: (They are of type ios::fmtflags)
// First method std::cout.setiosflags(std::ios::showbase); std::cout << res; // Second method std::cout << std::setiosflags(ios::showbase) << res; // Third method std::cout << std::ios::showbase << res;
All the configurations are global.
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int main() { int T; cin >> T; cout << setiosflags(ios::uppercase); cout << setw(0xf) << internal; while(T--) { double A; cin >> A; double B; cin >> B; double C; cin >> C; /* Enter your code here */ cout << left << setiosflags(ios::showbase) << resetiosflags(ios::uppercase) << setbase(16) << setw(0) << long(A) << endl; cout << right << showpos << resetiosflags(ios::showbase) << setbase(10) << fixed << setprecision(2) << setw(0xf) << setfill('_') << B << endl; cout << setprecision(9) << resetiosflags(ios::showpos) << scientific << setiosflags(ios::uppercase) << C << endl; } return 0; }