In this example I will use Ubuntu 18.04 LTS(AMD64) Desktop with Linux 5.0.0 Kernel and the 5.4.2 Kenel source file as an example to build […]
Classification Algorithms in Machine Learning
Decision Trees Naive Bayes Linear Discriminant Analysis k-Nearest Neighbors Logistic Regression Neural Networks Supoort Vector Machines(SVM) K-Nearest Neighbors Multi-class classifier: A classifier that can predict […]
Compile a Linux Kernel Module
Makefile If you have a file, say, traverse.o, then your Makefile should be like the following What $(shell uname -r) basically does is that it […]
Intro to ML & Regression – IBM at Coursera
These are the notes I took when learning Week 1 & 2 of the course Machine Learning with Python at Coursera.
Debug C++ Programs with GDB – Single-Threaded & Multi-Threaded
There is also an example program on my GitHub, the text version of the tutorial is also available at: References
WSS(Secure Websockt) – Fix NET::ERR_CERT_REVOKED using certbot
This is because you do not have a proper certificate as in the case of HTTPS. To quickly solve it you can use the certbot. […]
ssl.SSLError: [SSL] PEM lib (_ssl.c:3824) – Python Websockets SSL Error Solution
The Error Python Secure Web Socket Source Code That’s where the localhost.pem required. Solution I changed the way that I generate the localhost.pem file Original […]
Apply Vuex Store and v-if to a Vue CLI Project
There are quite many tutorials about vuex store out there, but most of them are too opaque for a novice to learn. This tutorial will […]
My LaTex Cheat Sheet
All the LaTex are based on the WordPress Jetpack Latex Plugin and the KaTex used by Evernote(macOS). This Cheat Sheet is updated constantly when I […]
How to Resolve ESXi RealTek NIC Incompatibility
I tried to install the ESXi the other day, and I failed twice before I was able to install that on my PC. The main […]